Monday, 21 November 2016

Trails and Temptations (Joni E Tada)

Hey guys in todays video I was really encouraged by the strength of Mrs. Joni. She has faced many trials of being paralytic and having faced cancer. However her story is amazing.

Joni always prayed to God for healing. That she could walk, that she could be cancer free. But at times it seemed as if God wasn't listening to her. "God had passed me by" she would say. She would ask, "what kind of healer would ignore the prayers of a paralytic?" Her God seemed so far away. It all seemed too much, people began to question how God could let her situation worsen. Wasn't it bad enough? But she came to a point where she could do nothing, she felt helpless. She tried shutting out the world only to find her biggest need for God. She needed help, "Lord I can't do this on my own-please be my strength." she would pray. And it was at that moment in time she understood the true meaning of healing.

I learned that loving and denying yourself to God is about fully trusting God with all your problems. Its the point where you hand your problems to God and like Joni did, ask God for the help and the strength to make it through. But what does it truly look like to trust God with your struggles? I noticed that in Joni's prayer for help, she began to focus on her prayers for a deeper healing, one that goes beyond our bodies to a healing in the soul. She asked God to search her heart and reveal to her her bitterness. Her situation she compared to a lemon, with every worsened circumstance she felt God was squeezing the lemon. She was experiencing another day of Hell. This turned her very bitter and she realized that only God can bring true healing in her suffering and that's through "finding Jesus in your Hell."

1 comment:

  1. I think that she was starting to understand that Jesus experienced hell on earth with his life, death and resurrection for her. I love where she said she is lookinforward to heaven for a "glorified heart" not a perfect body. How's your heart?
