Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Spiritual Disciples (sinkhole syndrome)

Welcome back!
After reading this article about how Christains are vulnerable to being pulled into the sinkhole, I realized how hard it can become to maintain a relationship with Christ. Life gets busier, life moves faster, people grow up...and for some reason I thought spiritual maturity came with age but the article says otherwise. This is a very interesting article but at the same time disappointing. It seems as if I have already started being pulled into the sink hole.  I have slowly grown more distant from God. But what now? Whats the solution?

According to the article I am to "Pursue the Lord with a relentless, lifelong, obstacle-defying passion. Resolve never to let your daily life keep you from Jesus daily."

Please help me. It seems as if I am being pulled away from you and I need to be reigned in again. Please draw me closer. Please give me the strength as I am battling with my sin and with my doubts. Please reveal yourself to me and show me where I can do better. I desire to desire you. I want to grow. I want to be committed so Lord give me the strength and the discipline to do so, and bring those who can encourage and keep me accountable. Please give me an open mind and an open heart so that I can learn more when I read from your word.
In the name of Jesus I pray,

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