Sunday, 30 October 2016

Big Teach 5

Hey guys and welcome to my blog as I will be working out what  it means to be a spiritual follower vs. a shallow follower.

In this final sermon, Pete raised the question of what people will say at your funeral. Will they say you were a genuine believer, an example to others, a light to the world, or a fake, a phony, a shallow believer? I thought wow what a tough way to open a sermon. This is because that question has actually on my mind recently. I mentioned in a previous blog that if others cant see what I claim to believe, am I a fake Christian?

 But upon the opening of the sermon, I began to understand what it means to be "spiritual." Its not a peaceful thinking you enter on top of a mountain, or a meditation but an acting or living out what you claim to believe (Galatians 6:1). Pete makes three points to back this up:
1) Spiritual people live for others- but cant do that in isolation (Galatians 6: 1-5)
2)  Spiritual people love the Word of God
3) Spiritual people look to the future

So overall, I should "should not think less of myself but think of myself less" (C.S Lewis) and serve others with an open heart-even in little ways. I should also have a passion for the Bible- and have a constant (daily) time with Christ. Finally, I should look to the future- encourage others and keep my eyes on Jesus- the ultimate redeemer. These will help me see what a spiritual Christian looks like vs a shallow and fake Christain.

Thanks for visiting, until next time!

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