Hey guys!
After reading these articles about we neglect our Bibles, I realized how lame these common excuses are. The first excuse being that we don't read our Bibles because it seems irrelevant to us however the Bible is supposed to be guidelines for us on a daily basis whether we are at work or at school. Therefore, the Bible applies to everyone. The second excuse, we don't read our Bibles because we don't have time, however, we can easily find time to disciple our children and family or friends even in little ways- like talking over a coffee about what God is doing in a persons life. The third excuse, that we don't have to read the Bible because we go to church, but that shows how little we desire to know God-its not good enough to only "wet our tongue." The final excuse being that we don't read our Bibles because it is confusing, however, there are many ways to make it less confusing like a commentary, asking a friend for help, or even doing a little research. None of these excuses are valid for giving up.
To me I find the second and third excuse the most convicting-"I don't have time" and "I go to church." It is true that I don't always have time for spending time in Gods word or in prayer, but that means that something is off. If I believe in God, and if I claim to passionate about what I believe, why cant I find the time? My priorities are off, Christ should be first and I know that. I need to balance everything-my schoolwork, family time, and time to get to know God-but right now school has taken the priority. There is so much pressure for me to do good and I don't want to let me teachers, friends, parents and sisters down-so I try to do my best in school. But really, school is important, but so is spending time with God and spending time with my family. The third excuse that I sometimes struggle with is "I already go to church, to mission every day and to bible class every morning, do I really need to spend more time with God?" Well I already know the answer to that-yes. I am working out currently on taking my faith onto my own hands-in three years mom and dad wont be there to make sure I attend church-soon I will be an adult. Soon Bible and mission wont be something I have to do. I need to take ownership of my faith now and stop expecting everyone to do it for me. I am very privileged, I have a bible, a Christian family, a Christian school-I have no excuse to work out my faith and ask for help along the way. I hope to see my self as an independent believer-one who is not completely dependent on the school or on my parents to help me get by.
Thanks for visiting, let me know what you think in the comments and see you next time!
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